2 Way Butterfly Valves
The Series 2100 butterfly valve is available in full cut (200 PSI close off) and undercut (100 PSI close off.)VSI Series 2100 butterfly valves have proven to be the most versatile design standard in the building and process control industries. Available as a tested package with a wide range of electric and pneumatic actuators and accessories to fit any application.
Standard features include:
- Ductile iron body
- SS 304 disc
- EPDM seat
- 100/200 PSI close off
- Sizes 2″ to 30″
Belimo Damper Actuators
Belimo damper actuators are easily mounted with VSI damper linkages.
These actuators are available in 24VAC, 120V or 220V. Also available are modulating or floating service as well as spring return or non-spring return.
Belimo offers a fail-safe version of larger damper actuators. Fail-safe actuators are a cost-effective alternative to mechanical spring return.
Please contact a VSI representative for additional options.