The Series 2100 butterfly valve is available in full cut (200 PSI close off) and undercut (100 PSI close off).
VSI Series 2100 butterfly valves have proven to be the most versatile design standard in the building and process control industries.
Available as a tested package with a wide range of electric and pneumatic actuators and accessories to fit any application.
Standard features include:
- Ductile iron body
- SS 304 disc
- EPDM seat
- 100/200 PSI close off
- Sizes 2″ to 30″
The Series 2100 has been thoughtfully designed and optioned to cover most common butterfly valve applications. The Series 2100 has been successfully specified and installed in commercial heating and air conditioning applications including chilled water, makeup water, and other water
Industrial applications such as sea water, food and beverage, paper and pulp, and even municipal water or air lines can easily be handled by the Series 2100 resilient seat butterfly valve.
A Valve for Every Application
VSI offers the Series 2100 Butterfly valve with thousands of operators and actuator options that make it the go to solution. The availability of different pressure class ratings as well as materials make it a versatile solution.
Every application is different, and VSI or your authorized reseller are here to help you with an valve and actuator assembly to fit your needs.
The Series 2100 is available with simple options such as lever or gear operators all the way to complex solar powered or spring return electric units.
Additionally VSI offers the Series 2100 in a 3-way butterfly valve assembly, an economical and efficient alternative to expensive hard to operate ball valves.
We can help you find your Valve Solution.
For complete details, please download our Series 2100 Butterfly Valve product brochure.
Additional Product Information
Stem design: Available in square shaft for easy mounting of actuators, levers and gear operators.
Top flange: Conforms to ISO 5211 for the mounting of actuators, levers and gear operators.
One piece shaft: Maintains disc position.
Resilient seat surface: Eliminates the need for gaskets on flanges.
Shaft pins: Enables a vibration free connection between the shaft and the disc.
Bi-directional secured seat: Phenolic backed seat is bi-directional and blow out proof.
O ring seal: Provides a seal to interior stem and bushings.
Bushings: Provide correct alignment of shaft through the body and reduces torque.
Stem seal: Positive seal in both directions to prevent leakage.
Disc edge: Smooth finished disc edge provides superior seal, reduces valve torque and provides bubble tight shutoff.
Bi-directional body & seat design: Suitable for bi-directional use at full rated pressure.
Backed seat support: Prevents stem leakage and high valve torque from poor installation.
Dead end service option: Available with special dead end service option that allows installation of valve on discharge/intake pipes with no downstream pipe or flange.
For more information, please check the Documentation tab below or send us an email. If you prefer to speak with one of our engineers, please call 770-740-0800.